A measure of the distance to the maximum value, where the maximum value is the highest-scoring value. The formula used is:
$$ 1 - (x_{max} - x)/(x_{max} - x_{min}) $$
This means that the closer a value is to the maximum, the higher its score will be. Scores will be in the range of 0 to 1.
x <- runif(20)
#> [1] 0.00000000 0.29614326 0.38625088 0.86992765 0.16770452 0.49225948
#> [7] 0.37314663 0.18037182 1.00000000 0.01529551 0.97864163 0.77294056
#> [13] 0.49070972 0.38631307 0.09333637 0.34905571 0.78214635 0.63651794
#> [19] 0.79081408 0.80977681