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A shortcut function to add and remove indicators. This will make the relevant changes and recalculate the index if asked. Adding and removing is done relative to the current set of indicators used in calculating the index results. Any indicators that are added must of course be present in the original iData and iMeta that were input to new_coin().


change_ind(coin, add = NULL, drop = NULL, regen = FALSE)



coin object


A character vector of indicator codes to add (must be present in the original input data)


A character vector of indicator codes to remove (must be present in the original input data)


Logical (default): if TRUE, automatically regenerates the results based on the new specs Otherwise, just updates the .$Log parameters. This latter might be useful if you want to Make other changes before re-running using the Regen() function.


An updated coin, with regenerated results if regen = TRUE.


See also vignette("adjustments").

This function replaces the now-defunct indChange() from COINr < v1.0.


# build full example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)

# exclude two indicators and regenerate
# remove two indicators and regenerate the coin
coin_remove <- change_ind(coin, drop = c("LPI", "Forest"), regen = TRUE)
#> coin has been regenerated using new specs.

#> --------------
#> A coin with...
#> --------------
#> Input:
#>   Units: 51 (AUS, AUT, BEL, ...)
#>   Indicators: 47 (Goods, Services, FDI, ...)
#>   Denominators: 4 (Area, Energy, GDP, ...)
#>   Groups: 4 (GDP_group, GDPpc_group, Pop_group, ...)
#> Structure:
#>   Level 1 Indicator: 47 indicators (FDI, ForPort, Goods, ...) 
#>   Level 2 Pillar: 8 groups (ConEcFin, Instit, P2P, ...) 
#>   Level 3 Sub-index: 2 groups (Conn, Sust) 
#>   Level 4 Index: 1 groups (Index) 
#> Data sets:
#>   Raw (51 units)
#>   Denominated (51 units)
#>   Imputed (51 units)
#>   Screened (51 units)
#>   Treated (51 units)
#>   Normalised (51 units)
#>   Aggregated (51 units)